Dota 2 Hero - Omniknight

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Dota 2 Hero - Omniknight

Dota 2 Hero - Omniknight - Purist Thunderwrath the Omniknight is a versatile melee strength hero who can take on the role of a support or, occasionally, a semi-carry, depending on the player’s play style. A holy and courageous Hero, Omniknight possesses abilities that excel at protecting and aiding friendly heroes. His heal doubles as a nuke and he can grant any friend Magic Immunity, as well as blessing allies with a physical invulnerability and regeneration. Few can escape the mighty and heavenly power of the Omniknight and he is a powerful ally in team fights. He is a mighty tank, and one of the most difficult heroes to kill.
All Dota 2 games and maps in one site Purist Thunderwrath was a hard-fighting, road-worn, deeply committed knight, sworn to the order in which he had grown up as squire to elder knights of great reputation. He had spent his entire life in the service of the Omniscience, the All Seeing One. Theirs was a holy struggle, and so embedded was he in his duty that he never questioned it so long as he had the strength to fight and the impetuous valor that comes with youth. But over the long years of the crusade, as his elders passed away and were buried in sorry graves at the side of muddy tracks, as his bond-brothers fell in battle to uncouth creatures that refused to bow to the Omniscience, as his own squires were chewed away by ambush and plague and bad water, he began to question the meaning of his vows–the meaning of the whole crusade. After deep meditation, he parted ways with his army and commenced a long trek back to the cave-riddled cliffs of Emauracus, and there he set a challenge to the priests of the Omniscience. No knight had ever questioned them before, and they tried to throw him into the pit of sacrifice, but Purist would not be moved. For as he faced them down, he began to glow with a holy light, and they saw that the Omniscience had chosen to reveal Itself to him. The Elder Hierophant led him on a journey of weeks down into the deepest chamber, the holy of holies, where waited not some abstract concept of wisdom and insight, not some carved relic requiring an injection of imagination to believe in, but the old one itself. It had not merely dwelt in those rocks for billions of aeons; no, It had created them. The Omniscience had formed the immense mineral shell of the planet around itself, as a defense against the numerous terrors of space. Thus the All Seeing One claimed to have created the world, and given the other truths revealed to Purist on that day, the knight had no reason to refute the story. Perhaps the Omniscience is a liar, deep in its prison of stone, and not the world’s creator at all, but Omniknight never again questioned his faith. His campaign had meaning at last. And there can be no question that the glorious powers that imbue him, and give his companions such strength in battle, are real beyond any doubt.

Dota 2 Hero – Clockwerk

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Dota 2 Hero – Clockwerk

Dota 2 Hero – Clockwerk is a mechanized warrior full of tricks and traps, Clockwerk uses flares and cogs to damage enemies and closes in with his trusty Hookshot from far away to sow chaos and disorder.
All Dota 2 games and maps in one site Rattletrap descends from the same far-flung kindred as Sniper and Tinker, and like many of the Keen Folk, has offset his diminutive stature through the application of gadgetry and wit. The son of the son of a clockmaker, Rattletrap was many years apprenticed to that trade before war rode down from the mountains and swept the plains villages free of such innocent vocations. “Your new trade is battle,” his dying father told him as the village of their ancestors lay in charred and smoking ruins. It is a poor tradesman who blames his tools, and Rattletrap was never one to make excuses. After burying his father among the ruins of their village, he set about to transform himself into the greatest tool of warfare that any world had ever seen. He vowed to never again be caught unprepared, instead using his talents to assemble a suit of powered Clockwerk armor to make the knights of other lands look like tin cans by comparison. Now Rattletrap is alive with devices, a small but deadly warrior whose skills at ambush and destruction have risen to near-automated levels of efficiency. An artisan of death, his mechanizations make short work of the unwary, heralding a new dawn in this age of warfare. What time is it? It’s Clockwerk time!

Dota 2 Hero – Dragon Knight

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Dota 2 Hero – Dragon Knight

Dota 2 Hero – Dragon Knight _ More than meets the eye, Dragon Knight tips the scales by stunning his foes and breathing fire, and taps his draconic heritage to unleash his Elder Dragon Form.
All Dota 2 games and maps in one site After years on the trail of a legendary Eldwurm, the Knight Davion found himself facing a disappointing foe: the dreaded Slyrak had grown ancient and frail, its wings tattered, its few remaining scales stricken with scale-rot, its fangs ground to nubs, and its fire-gouts no more threatening than a pack of wet matchsticks. Seeing no honor to be gained in dragon-murder, Knight Davion prepared to turn away and leave his old foe to die in peace. But a voice crept into his thoughts, and Slyrak gave a whispered plea that Davion might honor him with death in combat. Davion agreed, and found himself rewarded beyond expectation for his act of mercy: As he sank his blade in Slyrak’s breast, the dragon pierced Davion’s throat with a talon. As their blood mingled, Slyrak sent his power out along the Blood Route, sending all its strength and centuries of wisdom to the knight. The dragon’s death sealed their bond and Dragon Knight was born. The ancient power slumbers in the Dragon Knight Davion, waking when he calls it. Or perhaps it is the Dragon that calls the Knight…

Dota 2 Hero - Beastmaster

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Dota 2 Hero - Beastmaster

Dota 2 Hero – Beastmaster - Wild and dangerous, Beastmaster calls upon ferocious allies to scout and hunt, and causes chaos among enemies with a Primal Roar.
All Dota 2 games and maps in one site Karroch was born a child of the stocks. His mother died in childbirth; his father, a farrier for the Last King of Slom, was trampled to death when he was five. Afterward Karroch was indentured to the king’s menagerie, where he grew up among all the beasts of the royal court: lions, apes, fell-deer, and things less known, things barely believed in. When the lad was seven, an explorer brought in a beast like none before seen. Dragged before the King in chains, the beast spoke, though its mouth moved not. Its words: a plea for freedom. The King only laughed and ordered the beast perform for his amusement; and when it refused, struck it with the Mad Scepter and ordered it dragged to the stocks. Over the coming months, the boy Karroch sneaked food and medicinal draughts to the wounded creature, but only managed to slow its deterioration. Wordlessly, the beast spoke to the boy, and over time their bond strengthened until the boy found he could hold up his end of a conversation. He could, in fact, speak now to all the creatures of the King’s menagerie. On the night the beast died, a rage came over the boy. He incited the animals of the court to rebel and threw open their cages to set them amok on the palace grounds. The Last King was mauled in the mayhem. In the chaos, one regal stag bowed to the boy who had freed him; and with Beastmaster astride him, leapt the high walls of the estate, and escaped. Now a man, Karroch the Beastmaster has not lost his ability to converse with wild creatures. He has grown into a warrior at one with nature’s savagery. Karroch the Beastmaster is a melee strength hero whose unique power takes the form of summons with exaggerated unit utility. His thralls provide extreme amounts of sight and have ability to reduce the attackspeed of targeted units. In addition, he has the longest lasting single stun in the game. He is an effective support with good disabling ability in team fights. His strengths lie primarily in the slow debuff his Boar inflicts and ability to easily provide vision at crucial locations on the map. His ultimate, the stunning Primal Roar and Wild Axes allow him to deal massive damage at a distance. Though he is able to easily take down undefended targets in the early game, most of his abilities do not directly combo with each other, although the debiliating effects he brings to a fight can greatly assist allies (along with his passive attack speed boost aura).

Dota 2 Hero - Kunkka

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Dota 2 Hero - Kunkka

Dota 2 Hero – Kunkka - The Captain and sole survivor of a doomed navy, Kunkka wields the legendary sword Tidebringer, capable of destroying enemy armies.
All Dota 2 games and maps in one site As The Admiral of the mighty Claddish Navy, Kunkka was charged with protecting the isles of his homeland when the demons of the Cataract made a concerted grab at the lands of men. After years of small sorties, and increasingly bold and devastating attacks, the demon fleet flung all its carnivorous ships at the Trembling Isle. Desperate, the Suicide-Mages of Cladd committed their ultimate rite, summoning a host of ancestral spirits to protect the fleet. Against the demons, this was just barely enough to turn the tide. As Kunkka watched the demons take his ships down one by one, he had the satisfaction of wearing away their fleet with his ancestral magic. But at the battle’s peak, something in the clash of demons, men and atavistic spirits must have stirred a fourth power that had been slumbering in the depths. The waves rose up in towering spouts around the few remaining ships, and Maelrawn the Tentacular appeared amid the fray. His tendrils wove among the ships, drawing demon and human craft together, churning the water and wind into a raging chaos. What happened in the crucible of that storm, none may truly say. The Cataract roars off into the void, deserted by its former denizens. Kunkka is now The Admiral of but one ship, a ghostly rig which endlessly replays the final seconds of its destruction. Whether he died in that crash is anyone’s guess. Not even Tidehunter, who summoned Maelrawn, knows for sure.

Dota 2 Hero – Tiny

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Dota 2 Hero - Tiny

Dota 2 Hero – Tiny - Big things come in little packages – Tiny can cause Avalanches at a whim, Throw his targets through the air, and Grow to immense sizes.
All awesome Dota games and maps in one site Coming to life as a chunk of stone, Tiny’s origins are a mystery on which he continually speculates. He is a Stone Giant now, but what did he used to be? A splinter broken from a Golem’s heel? A shard swept from a gargoyle-sculptor’s workshop? A fragment of the Oracular Visage of Garthos? A deep curiosity drives him, and he travels the world tirelessly seeking his origins, his parentage, his people. As he roams, he gathers weight and size; the forces that weather lesser rocks, instead cause Tiny to grow and ever grow. Stone Giant is a melee Strength hero with powerful ganking potential. Avalanche is one of his main sources of damage, which lets him create an explosive wave of stones in an area, damaging and stunning enemies. Toss throws his target up high, damaging the object if it’s an enemy, launching them to a specific unit, and damaging nearby enemies on impact. Toss can also be used to save his allies or help them initiate by tossing his allied initiator to an enemy team. Using Avalanche in conjunction with Toss will inflict massive amounts of damage, as well as a long area of effect stun. Although his two spells can disable his enemy, it is most used mainly for killing rather than setting up or support his allies. Those foolish enough to attack him may be rewarded with a stun from his passive ability, Craggy Exterior, which also gives him additional armor to compensate his low resistance. Although at first he may live up to his name, he will gradually grow in size and power with his ultimate, Grow, greatly increasing his attack damage, movement speed, and Toss damage, while his attack speed is critically downgraded. While fragile early game, he will soon turn into a hulking behemoth with massive health and power.

Dota 2 Hero – Sven

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Dota 2 Hero – Sven

Dota 2 Hero - Sven - Smashing opponents into the ground with his Storm Bolts and cleaving them apart, Sven is invincible in close combat.
Sven is the bastard son of a Vigil Knight, born of a Pallid Meranth, raised in the Shadeshore Ruins. With his father executed for violating the Vigil Codex, and his mother shunned by her wild race, Sven believes that honor is to be found in no social order, but only in himself. After tending his mother through a lingering death, he offered himself as a novice to the Vigil Knights, never revealing his identity. For thirteen years he studied in his father’s school, mastering the rigid code that declared his existence an abomination. Then, on the day that should have been his In-Swearing, he seized the Outcast Blade, shattered the Sacred Helm, and burned the Codex in the Vigil’s Holy Flame. He strode from Vigil Keep, forever solitary, following his private code to the last strict rune. Still a knight, yes…but a Rogue Knight. He answers only to himself. Rogue Knight is a melee strength Hero with high physical damage potential and an effective disable. He can fulfill various roles, but is mostly played as a support or a semi-carry due to his high utility even without items. He also has great gank potential due to his shouts that grant buffs and his stun which cannot be dodged. With enough items, Sven has the potential to be a strong late-game carry due to his ultimate which increases his damage and his passive which allows him to hit multiple targets at once. He is a formidable foe and his versatility makes the Rogue Knight a great asset to any team.

Dota 2 Hero – Earthshaker

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Dota 2 Hero - Earthshaker

Like a golem or gargoyle, Earthshaker was one with the earth but now walks freely upon it. Unlike those other entities, he created himself through an act of will, and serves no other master. In restless slumbers, encased in a deep seam of stone, he became aware of the life drifting freely above him. He grew curious. During a season of tremors, the peaks of Nishai shook themselves loose of avalanches, shifting the course of rivers and turning shallow valleys into bottomless chasms. When the land finally ceased quaking, Earthshaker stepped from the settling dust, tossing aside massive boulders as if throwing off a light blanket. He had shaped himself in the image of a mortal beast, and named himself Raigor Stonehoof. He bleeds now, and breathes, and therefore he can die. But his spirit is still that of the earth; he carries its power in the magical totem that never leaves him. And on the day he returns to dust, the earth will greet him as a prodigal son.
Raigor Stonehoof the Earthshaker is a melee Strength Hero with several area of effect disables, commonly played as a ganker or initiator. Unlike most Strength heroes, he is played like an Intelligence hero and is reliant on his spells to inflict heavy damage. His Fissure is a versatile spell, used to stun, inflict decent damage, and create a bulging wall of earth that blocks movement for several seconds. Enchant Totem massively boosts his attack damage, inflicting the enhanced damage for one autoattack. Aftershock lets him deal additional damage and stun for a short duration every time Earthshaker uses his spells. Earthshaker’s heavy AOE-centric kit is most powerful when his enemies are in large numbers. With his Echo Slam, he can deal heavy damage to clusters of enemies. All of Earthshaker’s spells (with the exception of his ultimate)have long casting animations, but, with proper positioning, an adept Earthshaker can wreak havoc with his area-of-effect spells. Because Fissure and Echo Slam have high mana cost, he also needs some items and levels to be at his peak. The Earthshaker is mighty and tremendous, and his seismic power causes the very earth to tremble and shatter, bringing enemies down to the ground with his great magnitude.

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